Il progressi del progetto PERFECT vengono presentati sotto forma di relazioni, documenti, materiale e software prodotti nel corso del suo svolgimento. Alcuni risultati sono direttamente connessi ad altri e vengono conseguiti attraverso il raggiungimento di obbiettivi intermedi, ordinati per ordine di consegna: (SOLO IN INGLESE)
D1.1. Dissemination and communication plan (Pubblico)
E1.1. Consortium Agreement and meeting calendar Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
C4.1. Report on the current data on pesticide application costs and inputs (Pubblico)
D1.2. Initial dissemination material: leaflet, notice boards, pendrives, etc. (Pubblico)
D1.3. Project webpage and information about the project in each partner website (Pubblico)
C3.1. Report of the results of the first survey questionnaire (Pubblico)
D1.7. Database with some information on the main LIFE projects which have relation with this project (Pubblico)
A1.1. Report: Description of the collaborating farms and the orchard/vineyard. Detailed protocol of experimental design for assessing OVRA tools and direct and indirect measures of pesticide drift Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
E1.3. Green Procurement Strategy Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
D1.4. Report with minutes and information about Infodays (Pubblico)
C5.1. First report on evaluation of project output indicators Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B1.1. APP Dosaviña OVRA tool for website and smartphone (Pubblico)
C5.2. First updated report on evaluation of project output indicators Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
D1.5. Revised dissemination and communication plan (Pubblico)
C5.3. Second updated report on evaluation of project output indicators Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B3.1. Map of the concentration level of pesticides, metabolites and coadjuvants at the application area and in the surroundings (direct measurements) and results of the level of indirect measurements Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B4.1. Report with the results of direct biomonitoring and indirect dermal exposure of operators and bystanders Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B1.2. Report on the results of field evaluation of Dosaviña tool in alternative trellis system and field evaluation of Citrus Vol tool Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B5.1. Report on results of atmospheric degradation of active substances and/or coadjuvant metabolites or other related compounds Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
- D1.6. Report with minutes/conclusions of the project workshops (Pubblico)
E1.2. Consortium Internal annual report (different from the reporting reports) Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B3.2. Updated map and database of the concentration level of pesticides and related products Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B1.3. Updated Report on the results of field evaluation of Dosaviña tool in alternative trellis system and field evaluation of Citrus Vol tool Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B2.1. First Report on the performance of the instrument for the analysis of pesticides and related compounds Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B3.3. Report on the validation in field conditions of the DMA-MS prototype developed by SEADM Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B4.2. Updated report with the results of direct biomonitoring and indirect dermal exposure of operators and bystanders Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B4.4. Upload data results of direct biomonitoring of operators and bystanders to EU Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B7.1. Bussiness plan of the FIT instrument Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
B7.2. Replicability and transferability plan Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
C2.1. Report on the risk assessment in operators and bystanders Riservato, solo per i membri del consorzio (compresa la Commissione)
- D1.8. Dissemination material with project results: project video, leaflet, pendrives, Layman’s Report, etc.
- B3.4. Report with the results of the comparison between direct and indirect measures of pesticide losses in the environment
- C 3.2. Report: Behavioural farmers change
- C1.1. Report of environmental impact of the use of OVRA tools and SDR techniques
- C2. Recommendations to EFSA about specific Mediterranean agronomic conditions in the assessment of pesticide exposure of operators, workers, residents and bystanders
- C4.2. Communication and dissemination plan for future commercialization of SEADM’s DMA-MS system
- B4.3. Report on the relationship between direct and indirect measures
- B6.3. Report about training days
- B6.1. Publication about the project results in the Journal of CACV
- B6.2. Publications on local farmer magazines
- C5.4. Final report on evaluation of project output indicators
- D1.9. Report on the final event with the presentation of the project results andpresentation of other LIFE projects
- E2.1. After-life communication plan in English and electronic format