

It is important to read the following basic information on our Privacy Policy before sending any request:


CONTROLLER CEAM (Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo)
MAIN PURPOSE Subscription management / Application management / Management of sending research information.
LEGITIMACY Authorization of data subject.
RECIPIENTS No data shall be disclosed to third parties, unless expressly authorized or due to legal obligations.
DATA SUBJECT RIGHTS Access, rectification, and removal of data, portability of data, limitation or opposition of its processing, right to object to being subject to automated decisions.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Additional and detailed information is available in our Privacy Policy in FULL PRIVACY POLICY

Disclaimers excluding the responsibility of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-size Enterprises:

Any communication or publication that relates to the project, made by the beneficiaries jointly or individually in any form and using any means, must indicate:

(a) that is reflects only the author’s view; and 

(b) that the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.