

Kindly welcome the new partner FIT (en)

A new technological partner entered into the PERFECT family

FOSSIL ION TECHNOLOGY (FIT) is an engineering and biomedical company dedicated to the design, manufacture, and commercialization of high-performance mass spectrometry and ion mobility instrumentation systems applied to life science. FIT’s flagship product is SUPER SESI, a high-efficiency Secondary Electro-Spray Ionization system specifically designed to analyse the chemical composition of human breath in real-time and with high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Since its integration in the PERFECT project in July 2020, FIT has been working hard on adapting its instrument (SUPER SESI- Linear Trap MS) to the specific parameters for sampling pesticides in the field. Its goal is to detect and quantify the vapour and sub-micron aerosol phase of the pesticide chosen for the field tests.

Soon we will have news about the new instrument.

Do not miss their progress and visit its website:

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